Join Us

You are invited to join us!

Cincinnati Sound Chorus is a friendly group of women who invite you to visit on Monday evenings from 7- 10 p.m.  Even if you think you can't sing, CSC can be a place for you!  If you would just like to listen that is quite all right.  If you prefer to dive in and sing along that's great too!  We love to share the joy of singing.  Our 4-part a cappella harmony is hard to resist.  It is like any artform, easy to do and yet can be hard to master!  We have opportunities for top-notch vocal coaches to improve our skills. There are opportunities to join an ensemble or a quartet.  We add choreography to some of our music and all this adds up to a lot of fun!!

If you have a question please email us at [email protected]


Rehearsals are typically held at: Valley Temple, 145 Springfield Pike, Wyoming, OH 45215 (near exit #10 off I-75)

Directions to Valley Temple Building:

From Northbound I-75, take the Galbraith Rd. Exit (#10).
Turn left onto Galbraith Rd.
When you get to Vine St. turn right.
After a few blocks, the road becomes Springfield Pike.
Watch for the stoplight at Clark St. The Valley Temple entrance is on the left immediately following the intersection of Clark & Springfield Pike.

From Southbound I-75, take the Galbraith Rd. Exit (#10).
Turn right onto Galbraith Rd.
When you get to Vine St (Springfield Pike) turn right.
After a few blocks, watch for the stoplight at Clark St.
The Valley Temple entrance is on the left immediately following the intersection of Clark & Springfield Pike.

Members come from all parts of the tri-state area.
Contact Us if you would like to make arrangements to visit and ride with a current member, or call (513) 554-2648.

Print a copy of these directions in PDF or in Word format!


Mar 17 2025 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm
Come check us out!
Mar 24 2025 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm
Come and check us out!
Mar 31 2025 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm
Come check us out ext week!