John Morris Russell, Esteemed Director of Cincinnati Pops, and "Spring Chicks" pose with the Pops Pianist, Julie Klug, after auditioning for the upcoming Music Man performance.

John Morris Russell, Esteemed Director of Cincinnati Pops, and "Spring Chicks" pose with the Pops Pianist, Julie Klug, after auditioning for the upcoming Music Man performance.
Proudly supported by:
Silver Medalists:
Rehearsals are held
Monday evenings - 7 to 10 pm
Valley Temple Building
145 Springfield Pike
Wyoming, OH 45215
Members come from all parts of the tri-state area. Use Contact form if you would like to make arrangements to ride with a current member to visit, or call (513) 549-1571.
Mailing Address:
Valley Temple c/o Cincinnati Sound Chorus
145 Springfield Pike
Wyoming, OH 45215
Cincinnati Sound Chapter dba Cincinnati Sound Chorus